What is Kinesio-taping?

Kinesio-taping, also called Rock Tape here at AXIS, is a rehabilitative technique designed to facilitate recovery while providing support to muscles and joints without restricting range of motion.

Two primary reasons to get kinesio-taped include pain relief and promoting proper movement patterns for long-term training and recovery.

Pain Relief:

Kinesio-taping lifts the skin and fascia to decompress lymphatic vessels, pain receptors, and the underlying muscle to provide noticeable relief. As the skin is elevated, blood and lymphatic fluid are able to flow more easily.

Enhanced circulation of these fluids greatly increases the healing rate of tissues by reducing swelling and inflammation.

Long-term Benefits:

Kinesio-tape can also be used as a feedback mechanism to promote proper movement patterns. This feedback is beneficial for improving awareness of joint and limb positioning. Recognition and utilization of proper form is crucial for effective training and injury prevention.

Creating localized patterns of tape on specific areas of the skin alters the sensory input relayed to the brain. This mechanism adds proprioceptive feedback, which results in an improved output/movement pattern.

If you’d like to experience the benefits of kinesio-tape text “tape me up” to 352-872-5373 for a complementary taping session!

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