Back to school is coming…

Get ready for the commercials, the sales, and busy schedules! August means back to school everything and, in Gainesville, more traffic!

​​But back to school means the arrival of fall, normalization of schedules if you are a parent, and the upcoming holiday season. But what about your fitness? Where can that fit in with you achieving your fitness goals? With your kids or grandkids back in school, let’s talk about how to school YOU on getting back to your fitness!


1. Just like you are scheduling after school activities and holidays, make time for you and your fitness. By scheduling it in, you are making a commitment to yourself to get that activity done.


2. If you aren’t doing any exercising now, find something to try and start slow! Don’t commit to a program 4 days a week if you are doing 0 days now! Ease into a new program and see how your body does from adding 2-3 days of fitness in a week.


3. Find your most sedentary time and see how you can get moving at the same time! Sitting at your desk ALL morning? Take a break halfway through the morning and take a brisk walk! By breaking up your most sedentary times, you are getting your body’s metabolism moving!


4. Grab a fun water bottle and commit to your fluids during the day! Hydration is key in the hot months, but you may not realize how dehydrated you are until dehydration has kicked in! Sitting at your desk all day? Instead of munching on snacks or drinking unhealthy soft drinks, turn to your fun water bottle and jazz up your water with fruits or some fresh lemons!


Boom! Look how easy that was! In no time you will naturally seek out movement, will see some results and crave more!


Looking for a fun and easy fitness routine to try? Our small group training program is fun, accessible to all fitness levels, and is capped at 14 or less people! Workouts are always different and never boring! Come check us out and see how we can get you back to fitness this school year!


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