You decide to go on a big health kick and “clean up” your lifestyle – and that means getting rid of things.
Maybe it’s certain foods (or even food groups) … or maybe it’s “activities” you decide to STOP doing (happy hour, TV binges, etc.).
Basically, it’s all about things you have to DENY yourself!
What if you flipped that script around and looked at it as UPGRADING your life instead?
This little mindset trick can turn a negative outlook into a fun and positive one that helps you create habits you will stick with and actually ENJOY!
● Instead of denying yourself a mid afternoon snack, upgrade your chips and dip into a handful of pistachios or one ounce (30 grams) of dark chocolate.
● Instead of cutting out all “carbs” like bread or pasta, upgrade to nutrient-dense options like sweet potatoes or fiber-rich pasta made with chickpea flour.
● Instead of trudging through your usual cardio machine workout routine, join a fun Small Group Training session at AXIS to have more fun and get even better results!
It’s all about finding ways to switch up what you’re doing NOW for something that actually adds value to your life and helps you move forward.
Plus … and this is super important …
If you’re simply swapping one activity for another it means that you already have a habit in place! That makes it so much easier to stick to over time.
Now, I’m going to blow the lid off something people don’t talk a lot about when it comes to a “balanced life” and reaching for your goals.
It’s almost impossible to have both at the same time.
When you’re in the process of making changes in your life, no matter what they are, it’s absolutely NORMAL for your life to get a little out of balance. At least for a short while.
I’m talking about times when …
You only have so many hours in a day, with a limited amount of energy!
When you’re faced with a real-life “out of balance” goal or situation, there are a couple of things you can do about it.
First, accept it.
“To everything, there is a season…”
That’s been solid wisdom for thousands of years – because it’s TRUE!
If you try to do it “all” … it’ll almost always just lead to disappointment, burnout, and unneeded stress.
Second, try to give the other areas of your life SOME attention.
I’m talking about things related to:
If you ignore those areas of your life, before long you might find yourself feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, and feel like something is missing from your life (because it is!).
You might not be able to devote time to every area of your life every day, but carving out time once a week can make a real difference.
You can also upgrade how you spend your time!
That’s a win-win!
I hope this helps you as you tackle your 2021 goals – so you can set yourself up for success!
I'm gifting your with our NEW 2021 AXIS Fresh Start Goal Setting Workbook below, and I not only want you to fill it out, I want you to tell me one goal you have set for yourself, and how you are going to work toward that goal this year!
Committed to Your Success,
Jake and the AXIS Team