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Personal Training near Gainesville RSS Feed

  • More Vacations = Better Health? (the last reason is a biggie!)

    More Vacations = Better Health? (the last reason is a biggie!)

    You probably don’t need another reason to take a vacation…😉 But as it turns out, vacations are seriously good for your health! And did you know that almost half of all Americans don’t use up all their paid time off every year!? Here are just a few reasons to book your next break… Taking vacations is linked with a lower risk of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and metabolic syndrome — which are all related to heart disease AND… during vacations, we’re more active, get more sleep, and have less stress — all of which are tied to better health! In other studies, active outdoor vacations ....

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  • What I saw at the traffic light...(and I hope it inspires you too!)

    What I saw at the traffic light...(and I hope it inspires you too!)

    The other day I was stopped at a traffic light and looked over at the car next to me. And I saw something that Surprised me Inspired me Made me smile! The woman behind the wheel was eating a meal out of a Tupperware container. And her kids in the backseat were doing the same thing! No fast food… no soda… no junk food in sight. I smiled because: She wasn’t letting a busy schedule get in the way of her healthy choices She was setting a powerful positive example for her child She was probably even saving $$$ by avoiding the drive-through So, why am I sharing this story with you? Because ....

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  • Stretching after a workout...from ugh to AH!

    Stretching after a workout...from ugh to AH!

    The other day in my social media feed I saw a post that made me laugh out loud. Because I knew it was TRUE! Direct quote: “Why do I have SUCH a mental block about stretching after a workout???!! I know that I should…And I always feel better after…but man, I hate to do it.” And the number of responses made me 🤯… but also, I totally get it. Let’s see if any of these “skip the stretch” scenarios sound true — and then check out what to do about it if it does! You skip stretching because… → You’re mentally done with your workout , you’re tired, and ....

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  • How to make tomorrow TODAY!

    How to make tomorrow TODAY!

    We’ve all said it… I’ll start tomorrow. And we usually even mean it! 😆 And maybe we DO start tomorrow… but before too long, we find ourselves focused on yet another restart… and yet another tomorrow! The truth is, whether you’re talking about working out, cleaning up your diet, or getting more sleep… The I'll start tomorrow mindset is a HUGE obstacle between you and your goals. And the more you say it, the bigger that obstacle grows. I’ll start tomorrow is NOT laziness (even though that is what we often tell ourselves). It’s actually about fear: fear of failure, of change, and maybe even of success. This ....

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  • HALFWAY assessment, let's go!

    HALFWAY assessment, let's go!

    So… we’re about halfway through 2024 — can you believe it? For me, that means it’s time for some big questions… Questions that help me reflect, refocus, and get excited about the rest of the year. And I hope they’ll do the same for you. Here are my questions if you want to follow along with me: What are you grateful for right now? (I always start my journaling with gratitude to shift my mindset.) What big goals did you set for 2024 — and how is your progress going? How balanced is your “Wheel of Life”? Rank yourself 1-10 in the following categories: Health, Spiritual, ....

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  • I don't do this enough either! (Let's do this!)

    I don't do this enough either! (Let's do this!)

    No one wants to hear this, but… 👉 Making major changes in your health and fitness takes time . That means you probably won’t see results as quickly as you want to. It also means that if you’re serious about achieving your goals, you HAVE to find a way to enjoy the process. Easiest way to do that? Make a BIG deal out of your small wins along the way! I’m serious… Your pants fit a little looser? Celebrate! Have more energy when you wake up in the morning? Celebrate! Jog a mile without stopping? Celebrate! These milestones might seem insignificant, but they’re key for keeping you going. And bonus, when ....

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  • It's time to change your RULES!

    It's time to change your RULES!

    Today you need to make a change if you don’t have a list of NON-NEGOTIABLES… You could be missing out on one of your best tools for staying on track when you find your healthy habits slipping away. Let’s say your schedule suddenly gets crazy. So you grab a takeout meal (or two)… miss a workout… and sleep takes a back seat. And before you know it, you feel back to square one. Instead, your non-negotiables can protect you from that happening in the first place. They’re something you stick to every day — NO MATTER WHAT. Here are some examples of non-negotiables: A daily walk, no matter the weather 20-mins of ....

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  • Why it's so EASY to ditch those goals...(and what to do!)

    Why it's so EASY to ditch those goals...(and what to do!)

    Ever wonder why some goals seem to stick… while others disappear faster than free pizza at a college dorm? 😂 Well, if you’re like most people… You tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about what you want to achieve… But a lot LESS time thinking about why these goals really matter. That’s why this month, we’re going to dive into something that I normally only talk about with clients. It’s your core values . Because when your goals and values are in sync, magical things happen! But when they're not? That’s when things can start to unravel. To make sure you’re on the ....

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  • How to INSTANTLY gain more hours in YOUR week!!!

    How to INSTANTLY gain more hours in YOUR week!!!

    What if I told you that dropping ONE habit could not only add 14+ hours back to your week… But it could also help you boost your energy, lower your stress levels, and even reduce aches and pains ? Would you do it? The habit I’m talking about is scrolling on your phone… And if you're like most people, you probably spend more time on your digital devices than you realize. These days, nearly 57% of Americans consider themselves "mobile phone addicts" and 75% of adults say they feel uncomfortable without their phones… Meanwhile, all that screen time is making us less focused, hurting our sleep, stressing us out, and taking precious time away ....

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  • Get walking...and here's how to start!

    Get walking...and here's how to start!

    Over 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates said, “Walks are a man’s best medicine,” — and it turns out, he was right! We now know that when we exercise, our bodies release a cocktail of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. Once that feel-good cocktail gets going, you may also experience: Less anxiety Reduced symptoms of depression Feelings of relaxation Creative solutions Better focus Just to name a few incredible benefits. It doesn’t matter if you’re kickboxing, dancing, running on the treadmill or lifting weights... Movement is like pressing your brain’s ....

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Gainesville's Premiere Personal Training Studio Specializing In Corrective Exercise

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