In an age where there is a coffee shop within a coffee shop on every other corner, it could be said our country seems to run on caffeine! There are seemingly endless sources of caffeine from soft drinks, to energy shots, to chews and sprays, to teas, and more! With an almost limitless availability around the world, why would we EVER think this wonder drug is anything BUT fantastic?

​​Full disclosure: I consume caffeine on a regular basis. I love caffeine, but it doesn’t always love me back, which is why I’m featuring it today.

Ok, back to the story.  We all know that caffeine wakes you up, can keep you up, can give you a burst of energy and have you feel like you are on top of the world. But the dark side of this story is the low you can feel after it has run its course in your body, the heart palpitations you may experience as you consume it, the lack of sleep you have from consuming it too late in the day, and the dehydration that follows it.

Here are some tips on safe caffeine usage, decreasing the amount you consume, and how caffeine may be impacting your exercise:​​

1. Whatever amount you are consuming, cut it in half. This is a simple technique that will slowly ease you off of your addiction to caffeine. If you drink a whole can of coke, drink half and save the other half for the next day.

2. If you are a coffee drinker, think about switching to half-caff or decaf, or even better, green tea! Not going cold turkey will keep that caffeine withdrawal headache down.

3. When the need to have your afternoon energy boost hits, get up from your desk and take a brisk walk! Get that blood moving!

4. Turn to alternative sources of safe energy, such as methyl B-12, Vitamin C, and natural sugars found in fruit. Having a healthy snack with a glass of water will help you lift your afternoon energy!

5. If you find you are having a difficult time with low energy and feel overly dependent on caffeine, schedule a visit to your primary care provider to discuss your tiredness. Some medical challenges often present as low energy and feeling tired all the time. Rule out that you don’t have something more serious going on.

I hope that this helps you find some balance with your caffeine consumption! As the old saying goes, “everything in moderation”!

Have a great week!

Kat Stepp

Director of Operations, AXIS Training Studio

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