I have heard the quote so often, “respect your body, it’s the only one you have”. It makes sense, and as much as I work out and challenge my body, at the end of the day, I know I don’t respect it.
I know this because I do what we all have done at one point or another: your alarm goes off, you put both feet on the floor , sit up and proceed to feel every one of your years and more! Soreness has set in and you contemplate how you are possibly going to continue to move today. Then you get curious and think, “what did I do to feel this sore?”
Chances are, you did not properly recover after your exercise. Chances are, you felt fantastic after you worked out, but maybe the other things that are supposed to happen AFTER your workout to recover fully did NOT happen.
Let’s look at what “recovery” is, and how you can use recovery tools to feel better after exercising to minimize muscle soreness and bounce back better than ever!
1. Hydration. Not only have you most likely sweated while working out, you have muscles to heal! What should you drink? Water is great, as well as balanced electrolyte solutions. Even on days you don’t work out, water should be like a best friend…always at your side!
2. Stretch and foam roll. I once had a trainer friend say to me, “If you aren’t uncomfortable while foam rolling, you aren’t doing it right!” I personally have to talk myself into foam rolling each night, but I’m always thankful after I’m done! Not sure how to foam roll properly? Stop by a little earlier than your workout or stay a little later and ask one of our trainers to show you correct foam rolling and stretching techniques!
3. Active recovery. This is the act of light movement meant to stimulate blood flow and speed up the recovery process. This can include walking, swimming, jogging, or light yoga on your rest days.
4. REST! Take a day and rest from your workouts! You can’t expect a machine to work to the max every day, so be kind to yourself and take a day off to give your body a break!
5. Massage, rock tape, percussion massage, recovery boots session, icing…or you can bundle all these together and create a RECOVERY ZONE (coming very soon to AXIS Training Studio!!!)
So you see, there isn’t ONE thing that can help you recover better, faster, and with better results…it really takes several things to assist your body in its own recovery process. Because recovery is so important to exercise, AXIS is making 2019 the year for growth and putting your recovery FIRST! Keep and eye out for our Recovery Zone, and talk to your trainer if you would like more tips on how to recover faster!
Have an amazing, speedy recovery week!
Kat Stepp
Director of Operations, AXIS Training Studio