It’s very easy to get bogged down in the rigors of daily life. Let’s face it, the struggle is real sometimes. Just about every news media is propagating doom and gloom and it’s downright depressing.
A wise man once said… “What you focus on you will manifest.” Consider this, if you focused on all the negative and disappointing things in your life how does that make you feel? No wonder alcohol, binge eating and drugs are so prevalent.
What if instead you focused on all the positive things and how you have the ability make an impact?
The same can be said about your fitness and physical rehabilitation. Where is your focus? What actions are you taking to better your situation? AXIS has helped thousands of people in North Central Florida rehab their broken down bodies and get back into shape. What we have found in common with the most successful people are those that do this one little thing often. In fact, by doing this one thing, you automatically put yourself in a positive state and allow for great things to come your way.
If you did this one little thing more often we can pretty much guarantee you will get better results. This ‘one little thing’ is celebrating your short daily victories. When you feel successful you tend to do more of ‘that thing’ you are successful doing. In this case it’s your personal fitness. What if you wrote down your daily successes and progress and focused on that each day for the next 7 days?
I double dog dare you to try this out on yourself for the next seven days and report back your findings. You just might win some complimentary personal training in Gainesville for sharing your results.