We have all been there: You wake up and tell yourself, “today is the day!! I am definitely going to work out today!”. You tell yourself you will do X workout at X time, and then the day begins. 


I don’t know about you, but when I commit to do something, give something up, or go somewhere, things seem to ALWAYS get in my way! If I’m committing to eating healthy, someone brings in a home made sugary treat! If I’m committing to give something up, it appears in my day! If I say I’m going to attend this training session, a meeting runs over, traffic builds up, or my energy bottoms out.


How frustrated to you feel when this happens? I know I feel frustrated and immediately beat myself up over it, again, and again, and again.


Last week we talked about accountability partners, but this week I want to elaborate and give you some specific ways to Quit-Proof your workouts!!


1. Tell someone that is supportive of you what you are doing for that specific workout that day. This does two things: it affirms to yourself that you are committing to the workout, and it creates a follow up system with that supportive friend. You know that by telling them you are working out, they will ask about the workout later. We as humans don’t like being embarrassed, so we naturally will stick to our word!


2. Take one day in the week and schedule out your sessions. Make these times non-negotiable, and set some alarms on your phone so you can make it to them!


3. Pack a fitness bag and leave it in your car or at work! By always having your workout bag, you are ready to go no matter if you remembered your clothes or not!


4. In that same fashion, pack some snacks to keep at work to support your workouts. I know if I don’t eat enough to support a workout, I will not feel well and not want to work out! This can be something as simple as protein bars, protein powder and single serve almond milks, or some fruits and veggies!


5. Last, but not least, and may be the most important: MAKE FRIENDS WITH YOUR FELLOW WORKOUT BUDDIES! Surround yourself with the type of people that do what you want to do, that will support and make the journey with you, and those that you can see time and time again in the same sessions or gym! Hang out with them, grab a cup of coffee with them, and you will get out more and find exercise will start finding YOU instead of the other way around!!


Have a fantastic week, and if you want to try either our small group training sessions or private training sessions, reach out to one of our coaches! We are here for YOUR success!

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