Last month I discovered something interesting on my flight back to Florida.  What I thought would be a simple 2 hour flight turned into a full blown crisis management session of the health type.  I read books in my spare time and on this particular flight I was reading “How To Eat, Move and Be Healthy” by Paul Chek for the 4th time.  (I highly recommend you pick up a copy)  As I was reading the chapter on digestive health, the gentleman next to me asked me how I liked the book.  I relayed back to him that the book was amazing and it’s a book you implement rather than simply read.

I could tell my answer intrigued him by his facial expression.  The man then proceeded to ask more questions about the book and I obliged by giving him my answers.

Here’s where it gets interesting…

He looked at a picture on the page I was reading which was about bowel movements (gross i know but very relevant in regards to health) and laughed when he saw the ‘poopie police’ lineup.  He asked “Why would you care about your bowel movements?”  I relayed to him the function of digestion and elimination and how that pertains to physical health.    With a concerned look on his face he then asked “What constitutes healthy bowel movements?”  I then asked him… Well what do you think is healthy?  Without skipping a beat he chimed back with “well I can’t speak for everybody but I only void myself every 3-4 days”  From there our conversation became much more personal as I shared more information from the book.

He relayed he was constantly going through several health challenges and would get sick at least 1x per month.  He was very concerned for his poor health but had no clue as to any root cause.

Well anytime you have sporadic and infrequent bowel movements you are setting yourself up for dysbiosis and a slew of other problems.  The man became so intrigued with the book that he asked to take a look at the contents.  I could tell he was hungry for information so I obliged.  About 20 minutes passed and he was still immersed in my book.  As we started the descent into Orlando he asked where he could get a copy of the book.  I knew his request was genuine as his verbal tone and body language matched perfectly.  I wanted to help this gentleman so I offered up my copy to him.  The look of shock on his eyes was priceless.


You are probably thinking, why did you tell this story?  That’s fair.  The reason for the story is this… no matter what environment you are in, there is always somebody who will need your help, guidance and or/support.  Every day is an opportunity to help another person with the resources or knowledge that you have acquired.  In some cases just like this one, you will find it when you least expect it.

Never cease the opportunity to help another person and pay it forward.

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