Are you thankful for your fitness? When you walk in our door, do you yell, “Thank you”?

After this story, maybe you will!

This happened to me last week and I thought, since it is Memorial Day​​ it would be the perfect time to share it:

I was walking with a friend of mine and we were chatting about our workouts, our family lives, and how some things are just plain busy. We lamented how it can be tough to fit exercise in due to schedules or feeling exhausted from our day. Sometimes, it seems there aren’t enough hours to finish the laundry, let alone get the dishes done and prepare for the next day!

Then she dropped this knowledge on me! She said, she heard how cancer survivors and soldiers that come back from traumatic events look at their days completely different. Because they are on the other side of something they may not have come back from, they look at their day and the mundane events as a gift.

That means, doing the dishes is a gift. Walking the dog is a gift. Folding laundry is a gift. They no longer look at their day filled with things they HAVE to do, they have a day filled with things they GET to do!

That subtle change in thinking really affected how I looked at my day. My day, full of tasks and appointments, to someone not able to participate without great effort, is a gift.

This Memorial Day, a day we remember those that gave their lives in service to our country, remember that YOUR day, YOUR fitness, YOUR goals are a gift. It’s not that you HAVE to exercise, it’s that you GET to exercise.

We honor all of our fallen family, friends, neighbors, and fellow Americans that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, and hope that you keep in mind their memory while participating in activities on this day.




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