Here’s something I hear a lot… “I just can’t get motivated.”
Or another one…
“I’m going to start working out again” “meal prepping” “meditating” when I get my motivation up.”
I get it… but I also know a secret that I really really really want YOU to know, too.
Your fastest way to get (and stay) motivated? Take action. Do the thing ANYWAY.
It doesn’t have to be a full-on HIIT workout, or a huge meal prep for the entire week, or even doing 30 minutes of breathwork…
… it can be as simple as:
- a quick walk around the block
- making a double batch of veggie stir fry for dinner tonight, so you have a healthy lunch for tomorrow
- setting your timer for 3 minutes and sitting quietly
SET THE BAR LOW. And take action — ASAP.
Then, do it tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and the day after that.
Notice your motivation starts to creep up. And as you begin to feel more motivated, you can gently raise the bar!
And, importantly, CELEBRATE the fact that you got started, even though you weren’t 100% into it.
One month from now, six months from now, a year from now, “future” you is going to be so thankful that you started TODAY.