Last week I met with some clients and one of them asked me a powerful question.
It went something like this, “If AXIS had to take a stance on something what would it be?”
In short, this client asked me to draw a line in the sand.
That’s not an easy thing to do because it means that some people will end up on the other side of that line.
Then I got to thinking about it…
If that’s the case then AXIS really isn’t for them anyway.
So here’s what I said.
“Your workouts should leave you with more.”
Here’s what I mean.
One philosophy is that unless you feel terrible after your workouts then you haven’t worked hard enough.
I call B.S.!
AXIS is about intelligent training married with effective recovery.
It’s about leaving a workout having received more from the workout than it takes.
Think of it like visiting the bank.
If your workout gives you more than it takes then this is the same as making a deposit.
But if your workout leaves you feeling ragged, rundown, injured or weak then think of this as a withdrawal.
Too many withdrawals and you go into debt.
This is when people are more prone to injury.
I’d rather protect my fellow AXIS Fit Fam from this nonsense even if it makes me unpopular to some.
EVEN IF it means I don’t agree with the way some gurus approach to training.
One of the reasons why I created AXISwas to provide people like you with an effective workout program, every month, that leaves you with more than it takes.
If you think your workout should leave you with more than it takes then I would invite you to leave a comment of your experience.
The last thing you need is another injury, sickness or setback to limit your results.
Train hard but train and recover smart.
P.S. If you are looking for a unique but effective way to recover, check out the AXIS Recovery Zone. It has everything you need to eradicate nagging little injuries so you can feel like you are 19 again. Just comment below or send an email to for a 7 day FREE trial.