Why you need a check-in…

July is a fun month around here as we dust off the Christmas ornaments, pull out the tree, and generally get festive around here! 

But why is our Christmas in July a good reminder for you? Read on and i’ll explain how this can supercharge your fitness with your July check-in!​​


1. What health and fitness goals did you set for yourself in January? Looking back at what you set for yourself, or didn’t set for yourself will help you choose what you want to achieve the back half of 2019. Set some small, short term goals, medium gotta-work-for-them goals, and a big ultimate goal for 2019. Once you get these on paper, you can create a plan to achieve them!


2. How do you feel now compared to how you felt in December? Do you feel better, move easier, eat better? If not, you have time to adjust those sails and start work toward some goals!


3. Evaluate how your health has been since December. Have you been ill more frequent? Have your allergies been acting up more than usual? When was the last time you had a checkup with your primary care provider? Taking some time for some self care is essential to seeing results in your fitness. Summer is a great time to get things in order and schedule those tests you’ve been putting off!


4. It has been hot, and hydration is so crucial these summer months. How has your water consumption been? How can you increase your water consumption (because I can guarantee you aren’t as hydrated as you should be!)?


As you can see, taking a moment and doing some self-reflection this time of year will allow you to get on track with your health and fitness, get you laser focused on some fantastic goals, and continue walking that healthy track toward the back half of 2019!


Having some issues setting goals or just feel like you are in a fitness rut? Make an appointment and come see us for some goal setting assistance! We can take some time to evaluate your health and fitness while creating a day-to-day plan to achieve some amazing goals!

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