Happy post-Labor Day! I went to a cookout for Labor Day and ran into some really great friends I haven’t seen in a while, so I hope your day was as enjoyable as mine!

Like every great party we had food, friends, and great music! While gathering my plate from the buffet of food choices, I spoke with a friend that had a rather large weight loss last year. He lost over 30 pounds over the year by eating right and working out.

He typically works long evening hours, sometimes travels for his job, and is around food almost constantly when he works. I asked how he was doing and he replied that he fell off the wagon and gained about 20 pounds back. He was frustrated that he undid all that hard work from last year, and said that work is long, he is tired and seems just too busy to work out.

Does this sound like a familiar story? Meanwhile, he made a plate with two cheeseburgers, a hot dog, and a large mound of chips. Losing weight and toning up really boils down to two things, discipline and dedication. I looked at his cheeseburgers and even though my stomach said, “Challenge accepted!” my mind said, “This won’t help you keep the weight off”.

Staying mindful, keeping my head in the game, and making smart choices means I can avoid making the same weight gain.

So keep your discipline strong and renew your dedication to a healthy lifestyle! Small gains over time are still gains!

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