Feet. They aren’t too exciting, really. They exist on us, we put shoes on them, and occasionally, if you live in Florida, socks. So why all the hoopla around them at AXIS?

Well, March is coming up, and for some people, they get super excited about college basketball’s March Madness. Here at AXIS, I get excited about Arch Madness, and you should too! ​Here’s why:

Springtime in Florida is exciting and, in a word, BUSY! There are runs, beach days, hiking days, river days, obstacle course races, and more! I can’t even list them all here, but this is why we all love living in Florida! But one thing that can put a damper on your activities is foot or low back pain (maybe both?).

Floridians are known for wearing flip flops year round, but did you know you may be actually CAUSING your low back pain? Low back pain can be symptomatic of improper support of your foot arches (you have three of them!). We all know how flip flops lack all that crucial arch(es) support, but yet we love wearing them as much as possible!

But don’t fret, the AXIS Team has you covered! Because we know how important it is to address full body issues such as arch support in your feet, we now offer Foot Levelers Custom Orthotics. To celebrate the wonderful month of March, we are offering:

1. Free 3D foot scans to all clients. It only takes a few minutes, and we can map our the unique contours of your foot to identify your need for custom orthotics. Not a client, not a problem! Make an appointment to have a team member scan your feet!

2. Hoop shoot for coups! Pick your distance and shoot the hoop for mega coupons to discount your custom orthotics! More details to come and keep an eye out for the basket!

3. March workshop theme – Foot pain relief! Keep an eye out for the date announcement!

4. Other exciting foot products and events will “Pop” up soon! (hint, hint!)

So as you can see, AXIS really does think of your feet, and we think they, and you, are pretty special!

Have a great week and take care of your feet!!

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