We love helping our clients get amazing, see-it-in-the-mirror results. As a courtesy (and to avoid a burpee penalty), please contact us as soon as you know that you will be unable to make your scheduled appointment: call 352-872-5373.

If you miss an appointment or fail to give us 24 hours notice, you will be charged (a $30 fee for initial consultation or session deduction for established clientele) AND assessed a 20 burpee penalty. Sorry, not sorry.

Contract policy: After completion of the initial contract term, client’s training program will convert into a month-to-month membership where clients will continue to be debited monthly (at rate of original program) but may upgrade, change membership or cancel at any time with 30 day written notice via email.

Contract pause: One two-week pause of account per calendar year is allowed with advance notice via email. Remote training is offered with clients receiving full access to their training program and online or via phone coaching sessions. Additional pausing of accounts is at discretion of management and will be considered on a case by base basis. Additional fees may apply.

Clients that do not complete their specified contract period agree to pay one month’s contract fee.