I love the quote on the picture above, and I think it accurately describes why you should meal prep.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” 

Simple and so true. Think about all the times you go to the fridge, ready just to throw something in the microwave and eat​​​​ because you are starving…only to open to a bare fridge. 😡  Then, because you are SO hungry, you go the pantry and look for something to “tide you over” until you can wait even longer until someone gets home, or simply end up eating a whole bag of snack food and end up regretting your food choice.

Sometimes, this can spiral even further out of control where you say, “well, so much for eating healthy today” and you fall further down the binge eating hole.

There is a magic bullet to this problem, and I call it “Meal Prepping”! This is a sure fire way to binge-proof your eating for the week, and set you up for success. I also like the quote, “You can’t eat what isn’t in the house”. Keep that in mind when buying supplies to meal prep. Giving yourself healthy options for snacks will help you make better choices when eating in between meals.

So what is meal prepping, how do you do it, and what should you choose?

Meal prepping is choosing a recipe or two, cooking a few portions of each dish, and portioning it out for lunch and/or dinners for the week. I like to choose a day where there is about an hour’s worth of time to allow for the cooking and portioning, and for me that is Sunday evening.

I research my dishes earlier in the week and choose a few that sound healthy, require few steps to make, and allow for an amount I will feel full. I have a child, so I choose dishes that are simple and can be done while being distracted in filling my mom role at the same time! I load up the stove top with a few pans at a time, and simultaneously cook many dishes at once.

I have some friends that like to also make breakfast in advance. Choose the meals you need the most help with, and make those!

For more in depth tips, we choose this month’s workshop to be a Meal Prep 101! We wanted to take the mystery out of successful meal prepping, so make sure you sign up on the app to attend! Come with questions and you will leave with some simple, tasty recipes to try on your own!

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