We here at AXIS Training Studio understand how stressful it can be preparing for a hurricane. (and we hope you are preparing!) Because we care about our clients and their families, we want you to know we take your health and wellbeing very seriously. There are a few ways we would like to support you:

  1. We are offering Shaklee meal bars, Shaklee snack bars, and Picky snack bars on special this week to facilitate you stocking up on some healthy nutrition while we are hunkered down. The offer is: buy one box of meal bars, get two snack bars free, as well as a free training session for a friend after the hurricane blows over.
  2. If you are home bound or not wanting to come to your session and would still like to be trained, we are more than happy to provide your workout suitable to do at home. Simply let us know via email, text or facebook!
  3. If you at any time, have any questions or require anything from us, PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask! We are available by phone, text, email, and facebook.

Stay safe, everyone, and we look forward to getting back to normal as soon after Irma as possible! Any closures we have will be announced on facebook and email.

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