Socks to save the world…one foot at a time!

You may have seen some socks around the studio lately, and you may have wondered what socks has to do with your fitness? (believe me, I wondered too!)

But around here, we are all about unconventional tools and utilizing the latest technology to solve your every day fitness issues! This week we are tackling that age old issue of…Plantar Fasciitis!

Maybe you don’t know if you have it, maybe it comes and goes in your life, and maybe it is that pain plaguing your life RIGHT NOW!

The hallmarks of classic plantar fasciitis according to are:

1. stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot near the heel

2. pain is usually the worst with the first few steps after awakening

3. pain can also be triggered by long periods of standing or rising from sitting

4. the pain is usually worse after exercise, not during it

Now, we know the benefits of adding things like custom orthotics to your shoes (have you had your foot scanned by us?), rolling your foot with the R3 roller or some of our rock balls (clients can try these any time they like! Ask a coach how to use them for your pain!), but we wanted to add one more item to your daily regimen to give you the edge in eliminating plantar fasciitis from your life…socks!

Ok, I know, how helpful can a pair of socks REALLY be? Well, these are not just any socks, these are made specifically to ease the symptoms of plantar fasciitis. With specific zones created to alleviate pressure and create pressure in just the right places, these socks do have the power to change the world, or more specifically, your world of plantar fasciitis pain!

Now, I have had my fair share of plantar fasciitis pain, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone! I tried a pair of these socks, and I was blown away by how much they really worked to support the foot and seem to actively work ALL DAY on this very heady task!

Now that we have added this to your arsenal to eliminate your pain, we also created a way for you to see for yourself how these socks work! Simply come in, ask a coach to show you our step-by-step method of you can alleviate your plantar fasciitis!

Now get out there, and with our help, exercise heel pain free!

Have a fitness or physical challenge you want us to tackle? Drop us a line at: and we will work to include it in our next e-newsletter!

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