Do you ever lie awake at night with your mind racing with all of the things you have to do? (maybe you’re reading this late at night!)


Don’t you hate that? Or even worse, thinking back on something you wish you’d said, or a situation you would like to go back and change?


It could be something that happened last night … or even last month!


If your mind is racing, you’re living in the future. And if you’re thinking about something that happened last night or last decade, you are living in the past.


Basically, you’re anywhere except where you need to be right now: IN THE PRESENT.


Reflecting on experience is incredibly valuable to help you make better decisions going forward …


But dwelling on your problems is linked with developing anxiety and depression. (we know how tough that can feel!)


The holiday season can get overwhelming and downright stressful! On top of that, this has been a challenging year to say the least!


I created AXIS Training Studio to be a place to work with my AXIS Team to build up our clients, rebuild them in some cases, and help them to find goals to achieve while working with them to crush them!


This month’s FitRanX sticker, the I Love Burpees 1,000 Burpee challenge is a testament to just that – working toward a goal you wouldn’t think possible…and then CRUSHING it! I am in awe of how hard all of our clients are working on this sticker, and so encouraged by their incredible progress!


So, to help you stay present and actually ENJOY the season, and to finish 2020 STRONG, I wanted to share a few things that I personally do to help me stay centered and present.


Here are just a few:


1 – Get in a solid workout 😉 

2 – Go outside for a walk – or just find a quiet place outside to sit!

3 – Do something creative

4 – Meditate or do deep breathing for 5 minutes

5 – Read a book for FUN

6 – Listen to some of my favorite music

7 – Take in some aromatherapy – grab a diffuser and use a calming scent

8 – Take a nap

9 – Play with my daughter  

10 – Journal and practice gratitude


Bonus – I am a big fan of podcasts. I love the quote, “if you are the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”. Listening to encouraging podcasts can really give you peace of mind and get you excited for the day ahead. Play them in your car through your phone or download them for when you run or walk the dog!


All of these activities have the power to bring you back to the present moment and help you to be more mindful going forward.


This is so important year-round … but even more important during the holidays.


Make sure you prioritize some time to unplug and “be here now” – because that’s what the holidays are all about!

Committed to Your Success,


Jake Thompson

Owner/Founder, AXIS Training Studio


P.S.: Ready to finish out 2020 STRONG and make REAL progress toward your goals? Jump on our Fall Flash Sale – 3 months of AXIS Small Group Training 3xs a week with 20% your first month! There are only 10 spots available for this sneak peek sale, so get started on your fitness TODAY!


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