We have all been there: You eat healthy balanced meals all week, but when the weekend rolls around, all bets are off for those two days! Or maybe it is more like this: You stay strict with your diet and give in to a moment of weakness at your friend's birthday dinner, then the next day, and the day after that.
Personally, when I decide that I need to eat cleaner and cut out some unhealthy snacks, that ALWAYS seems to be the day enticing treats appear to test my resolve! Or I forget my lunch and need to eat out. Life seems to have a way of throwing a curveball into those best laid nutrition plans.
So today, let's tackle the issue of diets and the cheat day mentality.
1. Eating clean and choosing nutritious, healthy foods is NOT a diet. I repeat, it is NOT A DIET! This should be a way of life. Before addressing how many calories, how much of each to choose, make the decision to eat clean and healthy not to lose weight, but to feed your system with the best fuel possible.
2. Eating clean and choosing nutritious, healthy foods is not easy. Time is our most precious resource, and choosing to spend it cooking foods inevitably takes it away from something else most likely important to you. The fast option is usually not the healthiest option, so you have to plan accordingly.
3. That being said, choosing to limit calories, expend energy working out, and creating a caloric deficit to encourage fat loss is one way to lose body fat and tone the body. There are so many ways to do this, from fad diets, shake diets, sauerkraut diets, you name it! But really, continuing to eat clean, healthy, balanced foods but maybe less of one that has more fats in it and more portions of vegetables can certainly achieve the same goal. You aren't depriving yourself of food, you aren't starving your body (nor should you!), and you aren't suffering a sense of loss or limitation because you are still eating clean and healthy foods!
4. Yo-yo diets, fad diets, crash diets, all can give you weight loss of some sort, but aren't addressing the underlying issue of a) your daily food intake and how healthy it is, and b) your mindset around food to begin with.
Ask yourself: are my emotions tied into foods? What is my relationship with food: good or bad? How do I feel after eating a meal? How long have I been eating this way and why do I do it?
These are TOUGH questions, don't get me wrong! The first step to resetting your mindset and relationship to food is to BE HONEST with yourself. Maybe you can work through this with a friend, but maybe seeking the help of a therapist to talk through these things would be better. Be prepared to maybe go back YEARS of bad habits and work through some tough emotions. But make no mistake, working through food and life issues can be so freeing!
Once you are eating healthy as a way of life, choosing healthy foods you enjoy, and living your best life around that, things like cheat days and empty foods lose all temptation! Remind yourself of your goal: To live a happy, healthy life by giving yourself the best fuel possible! The rest is just details! ;-)
Need some help with losing body fat and toning up? Not sure how to get started choosing healthy fuel for yourself? Interested in working out but haven't done so before! No worries, we are here for you! Make an appointment to speak with one of our coaches to learn how we can start you on a springboard to fitness! Call or text 352-872-5373 or email info@AxisTrainingStudio.com to get started TODAY!!!